
seven remix xp

seven remix xp

Windows 7作業系統的測試版也出來了一陣子,不知道大家有沒有去微軟下載下來試試看!丫西是有試用一下,感覺上是要先習慣Windows Vista的操作方式,這樣你用Windows 7後才會覺得好用的啦!

廢話不多說了,標題也破題啦!就是使用Seven Remix XP將XP的佈景主題更換成為Windows 7的樣式,讓許多沒有用過Windows 7的人也可以過過乾癮,享受一下它的華麗吧(是華麗嗎?不知道怎麼說Vista好像比他更華麗!XD)。

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This installer is designed to work on the following operating systems and languages:

- Windows XP (Home, Pro, RTM, SP1, SP2, SP3, Corporate)
- Windows 2003 (Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, Web, RTM, SP1)
- Windows Media Center Edition (2003, 2004, 2005)
- Windows XP Tablet PC Edition
- All Language Versions
- Does NOT work with 64 bit versions of Windows!

