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標題: 初等考試英文參考試題(3) [打印本頁]

作者: aurebu1948    時間: 2012-4-22 23:17     標題: 初等考試英文參考試題(3)


No. 101

  On my first trip to Taipeimy about the city is  close to zero
  (A) consensus
  (B) knowledge
  (C) restoration
  (D) honor
  意義辨識 名詞
  結論On my first trip to Taipeimy knowledge about the city is close to zero。故(B)


No. 102

  The TV is broken. I should have it ▁。
  (A) designed
  (B) handled
  (C) improved
  (D) repaired
  意義辨識 分詞
  have  (使;叫;命令) 的用法
  主動語態have + 受詞 + 原形動詞  (使 / ... 去做...)
  例:The teacher had us clean  up the classroom。老師叫我們清理教室。
  被動語態have + 受詞 + p.p.   (使 ... ... )
  例:We have  our office cleaned every  weekend。使辦公室每週被清理。
  結論The TV is broken. I should have it repaired。電視壞了,我應該使它被修理。故(D)


No. 103

  Alice is of her classmate’s  better performance
  (A) careful
  (B) racial
  (C) jealous
  (D) public
  意義辨識 形容詞
  結論Alice is jealous of her  classmate’s better performance。愛麗斯嫉妒比她成績好的同學。故(C)


No. 104

  Kangaroos live in AustraliaA baby kangaroo lives in its mother’s ▁。
  (A) belt
  (B) pouch
  (C) button
  (D) sleeve
  意義辨識 名詞
  Kangaroos live in AustraliaA baby kangaroo lives in its mother’s pouch。故(B)


No. 105

  Is there new in the  magazineI would like to know it
  (A) anything
  (B) anytime
  (C) anywhere
  (D) anyway
  肯定句:There is something in the box。箱子裡有一些東西。
  否定句:There isn’t anything in the box。箱子裡沒有任何東西。
  Is there something I can do?我能做什麼嗎?(純粹只是表示詢問)
  Is there anything I can do?雖然也是「我能做什麼嗎?」的意思,但是說話者有強烈的意願表示。
  結論Is there anything new in  the magazineI would like to know it。雜誌裡有什麼新的東西嗎?我想知道。故(A)
  Is there something new in the magazine(純粹只是表示詢問,故用somehing)
  Is there anything new in the magazineI would like to know it(有強烈的意願想知道,故用anything)


No. 106

  It is easier to shop in the supermarket than  in the traditional market; you can put all your groceries in the shopping ▁。
  (A) list
  (B) mall
  (C) cart
  (D) center
  意義辨識 名詞
  shopping list:購物清單
  shopping mall:大商場
  shopping cart:購物手推車
  shopping center:購物中心
  It is easier to shop in the supermarket than  in the traditional marketyou can put all  your groceries in the shopping cart


No. 107

  Go to a if your toothache  doesn’t get better in a couple of hours
  (A) dentist
  (B) lawyer
  (C) photographer
  (D) waiter
  意義辨識 名詞
  Go to a dentist if your  toothache doesn’t get better in a couple of hours。故(A)
  如果幾個小時 (通常是指12個小時) 之內,牙痛沒有好轉,去看牙醫生。


No. 108

  My grandmother will turn this June
  (A) seven
  (B) seventeen
  (C) seventh
  (D) seventy
  結論My grandmother will turn seventy this June。我的祖母今年六月將超過70歲。故(D)


No. 109

  I that I was chased  by a dog. I was so afraid
  (A) dreamed
  (B) held
  (C) matched
  (D) watched
  結論I dreamed that I was chased by a dog. I was so afraid。我夢見被狗追,我很害怕。故(A)


No. 110

  Let’s NOT   the opportunity to see the show
  (A) catch
  (B) earn
  (C) take
  (D) miss
  結論Let’s NOT miss the  opportunity to see the show。不要錯失去看這場演出的機會。故(D)


No. 111

  I enjoy my bicycle to work  in the city
  (A) sitting
  (B) riding
  (C) driving
  (D) playing
  Most students enjoy playing basketball(正確)
  Most students enjoy to play basketball(錯誤)
  結論I enjoy riding my  bicycle to work in the city。在城市裡我喜歡騎腳踏車上班。故(B)


No. 112

   excellence in running a hotel restaurant is  considered by many hotel managers the most difficult challenge of all
  (A) Achieving
  (B) Resembling
  (C) Dictating
  (D) Exhausting
  意義辨識 動名詞
  動名詞作主詞時,通常用以表示一件「已知的事或經驗」,動名詞片語作主詞時,要視為「單一的個體」,其後動詞用單數型態。例如:Climbing mountains is interesting
  不定詞作主詞時,通常用以表示一件「未完成的事或目的」,此類片語作主詞時,亦視為「單一的個體」,其後動詞用單數型態。例如:To study abroad has long been my dream
  Achieving excellence in running a hotel restaurant is considered  by many hotel managers the most difficult challenge of all。在酒店餐廳的管理上追求卓越,被許多酒店管理者認為是所有挑戰中最困難的。(其意為:酒店有很多部門,其中餐廳的管理最困難)。故(A)


No. 113

  Take your time. I don’t need an answer ▁。
  (A) consistently
  (B) regularly
  (C) immediately
  (D) frequently
  意義辨識 副詞
  Take  your time (不用急,慢慢來)Take a nap (小睡片刻);Take a bath.(洗個澡)Take a break (小休一下)
  結論Take your time. I don’t need an answer immediately。不用急,慢慢來。我不需要你立刻回答。故(B)


No. 114

  Don’t over pack when you travel because you  can always new goods along the way
  (A) watch
  (B) acquire
  (C) promote
  (D) throw
  意義辨識 動詞
  Don’t over pack when you travel because you  can always acquire new goods along the way。故(B)


No. 115

  Whales are   , like we are, and must swim to the surface to breathe air
  (A) teenagers
  (B) performers
  (C) giants
  (D) mammals
  意義辨識 名詞
  Whales are mammalslike we are, and  must swim to the surface to breathe air。故(D)


No. 116

  The landscape of this natural park is best  seen on bike or footand there are trails in the area. All paths offer breath-taking  sceneries
  (A) sole
  (B) simultaneous
  (C) numerous
  (D) indifferent
  意義辨識 形容詞
  landscape(陸上的)風景;景色。trail (荒野中踏成的)小道;步道。breath-taking:驚人的;令人屏息的。
  The landscape of this natural park is best  seen on bike or footand there are numerous trails in the area. All paths offer breath-taking  sceneries。故(C)


No. 117

  If you need a ride to the airportplease don’t   to call meI’ll be available all this afternoon
  (A) pursue
  (B) hesitate
  (C) stop
  (D) think
  意義辨識 動詞
  If you need a ride to the airportplease don’t hesitate to  call meI’ll be available all this afternoon。故(B)


No. 118

  With crystal clear water, emerald green  mountains and various outdoor activities to offerit’s not that Sun Moon Lake  is one of the most visited spots in Taiwan
  (A) identified
  (B) apparent
  (C) grateful
  (D) surprising
  意義辨識 動詞
  crystal clear:透明如水晶的;清澈的。emerald green:鮮綠色的;翠綠的。
  With crystal clear wateremerald green mountains and various outdoor  activities to offerit’s not surprising that  Sun Moon Lake is one of the most visited spots in Taiwan。故(D)


No. 119

  Taiwan is well known for its mountain spots and urban landmarks such as the  National Palace Museum and the Taipei 101 skyscraper
  (A) scenic
  (B) neutral
  (C) vacant
  (D) feasible
  意義辨識 形容詞
  urban landmarks:城市地標。National Palace Museum:故宮博物院。skyscraper:摩天大樓。
  Taiwan is well known for its mountain scenic  spots and urban landmarks such as the National Palace Museum and the Taipei  101 skyscraper。故(A)


No. 120

  Trash can be   for creatures that live in the water. Every yearplastic trash kills millions of sea birds,  marine mammals and sea turtles
  (A) invaluable
  (B) dangerous
  (C) spoiling
  (D) tedious
  意義辨識 形容詞
  creatures:生物;動物。plastic trash:塑膠垃圾。marine mammals:海洋哺乳動物。
  Trash can be dangerous for  creatures that live in the water. Every yearplastic  trash kills millions of sea birdsmarine mammals and  sea turtles。故(B)


No. 121

  Don’t be of asking for  directions when you get lost in a big city
  (A) absent
  (B) agreeable
  (C) afraid
  (D) available
  意義辨識 形容詞
  Don’t be afraid of  asking for directions when you get lost in a big city。當你迷失在大城市裡,別害怕問路。故(C)


No. 122

  David has shown great interest learning English
  (A) with
  (B) in
  (C) by
  (D) on
  意義辨識 介詞
  表「以語言」用in。例如:write in Chinese
  結論David has shown great interest in  learning English。大衛對學習英語已顯露出極大的興趣。故(B)


No. 123

  You need to   your cell phone when you are on board a plane
  (A) turn off
  (B) turn down
  (C) turn on
  (D) turn up
  意義辨識 片語或成語
  turn off:關掉。例如:Turn off the light before you leave 離開前請把燈關掉。
  turn down:拒絕。例如:His proposal  was turned down 他的提議被拒絕了。
  turn on:打開。例如:Will you turn on the radio?你打開收音機好嗎?
  turn up:出現;發生。例如:Something  unexpected has turned up. 發生了沒有意料到的事情。
  結論You need to turn off your  cell phone when you are on board a plane。登機時,要關閉手機。故(A)


No. 124

  Gino is a great cook. He makes a spaghetti sauce
  (A) terrible
  (B) terrific
  (C) terrifying
  (D) horrific
  意義辨識 形容詞
  Gino is a great cook. He makes a terrific spaghetti sauce。故(B)


No. 125

  The teacher   the mistakes in my composition
  (A) looked out
  (B) looked up
  (C) pointed up
  (D) pointed out
  意義辨識 片語或成語
  looked out:小心。
  looked up:查詢。例如:If you don't  know a word,you can look it  up in a dictionary。如果你有不識的字,可以查字典。
  pointed up:強調。
  pointed out:指出。例如:He pointed out  the mistake to me。他向我指出錯誤。
  結論The teacher pointed out the  mistakes in my composition。老師指出我作文中的錯誤。故(D)


No. 126

  John always dreamed about owning an expensive  car. But when he finally bought a BMWit soon lost its ▁。
  (A) taste
  (B) appeal
  (C) fashion
  (D) command
  意義辨識 名詞
  John always dreamed about owning an expensive  car. But when he finally bought a BMWit soon lost its appeal。故(B)


No. 127

  If you go to the bakerycan you some bread for me
  (A) pick out
  (B) make up
  (C) pick up
  (D) check out
  意義辨識 片語或成語
  pick out:挑出;選出。例如:I will  pick out three new plays particularly。我將特別選出3部新劇。
  make up:組成;構成。例如:Women  officers make up 13 percent of the police force.女警占警力的13%
  pick up:拿起;撿起(尤指偶然地、無意地、不費勁地)
  check out:退房。例如:They packed  and checked out of the hotel。他們收拾好東西,辦理了退房手續。
  If you go to the bakerycan you pick up some  bread for me?如果你去麵包店,你可以幫我拿一些麵包嗎?故(C)


No. 128

  The director is losing his temper. He insists  that his secretary the typing tasks in two hours
  (A) complete
  (B) to complete
  (C) is completing
  (D) has completed
  特殊用法 建議或懇求性動詞
  常見的建議性動詞有advise 提出忠告;demand 要求;order 命令;insist  堅持propose 提議;require 需要;recommend 建議;suggest  提議。
  I recommend that you (should) see a doctor  right now.
  Our boss insists that we (should) complete  this report this afternoon.
  The director is losing his temperHe insists that his secretary complete the typing tasks in two hours。故(A)


No. 129

  Students may   books or videos from the school library
  (A) ask
  (B) borrow
  (C) lend
  (D) put
  lend  [  ()]  & borrow [ ()]
  A lend B something A借給B某物
  = A lend something to B A將某物借()B
  = B borrow something from A BA那裡借()了某物
  結論Students may borrow books or  videos from the school library。學生可以從學校圖書館借閱書籍或影片。故(B)


No. 130

  Kids to eat if they do  not wash their hands
  (A) are not allowed
  (B) permit
  (C) must not
  (D) have given
  被動語態句型結構:主詞 + be動詞 + 過去分詞 + by + sb
  by + sb的省略:若 " by + sb  " 是眾所皆知的事,可以省略。
  結論Kids are not allowed to eat if  they do not wash their hands。不准孩子吃飯,如果他們不洗手。故(A)


No. 131

  Many concerns were about South Africa hosting the World Cup in  2010but in the end South Africa pulled it off and  did an excellent job
  (A) surpassed
  (B) licensed
  (C) implemented
  (D) raised
  意義辨識 過去分詞
  concern:顧慮的事。pulled off:完成(困難的事情)pulled it off = pulled concerns off:成功解決那些被顧慮的事
  Many concerns were raised about South Africa hosting the World Cup in 2010but in the end South Africa pulled it off and  did an excellent job。故(D)。關於2010由南非主辦的世界杯,許多關切顧慮的事被提出,但最後南非成功解決那些被顧慮的事,並且辦得很出色。


No. 132

  The notion that fashionable shopping takes  place only in cities is ▁,thanks to the  Internet
  (A) outdated
  (B) approximated
  (C) rehearsed
  (D) motivated
  意義辨識 形容詞
  outdated:過時的;落伍的。approximated:近似的。rehearsed:排演( rehearse的過去分詞 )motivated:有動機的。
  notion:概念;想法;見解。fashionable  shopping:時尚購物。take place:發生。thanks  to:多虧;由於。
  The notion that fashionable shopping takes  place only in cities is outdatedthanks to the Internet。故(A)


No. 133

  Night markets in Taiwan have become tourist destinationsThey are great places to shop for bargains and  eat typical Taiwanese food
  (A) tropical
  (B) popular
  (C) edible
  (D) responsible
  意義辨識 形容詞
  bargain(因討價還價而買到的) 便宜貨;廉價貨。
  Night markets in Taiwan have become popular tourist destinationsThey are great  places to shop for bargains and eat typical Taiwanese food。故(B)


No. 134

  It has been my honor and pleasure to work with  him for more than 10 yearsHis insight and  analysis are always ▁。
  (A) distant
  (B) superficial
  (C) impressive
  (D) premature
  意義辨識 形容詞
  It has been my honor and pleasure to work with  him for more than 10 yearsHis insight and  analysis are always impressive。故(C)


No. 135

  The tragedy could have been avoided but for  the of the driver
  (A) carefulness
  (B) prediction
  (C) negligence
  (D) alertness
  意義辨識 名詞
  tragedy:悲劇;災難。but for:要不是。
  The tragedy could have been avoided but for  the negligence of the driver。故(C)


No. 136

  According to the meeting ▁,three more topics are to be discussed this  afternoon
  (A) agenda
  (B) invoice
  (C) recipe
  (D) catalog
  意義辨識 名詞
  According to the meeting agendathree more topics  are to be discussed this afternoon。故(A)


No. 137

  Taroko National Park high mountains and steep canyonsMany of its peaks tower above 3,000 meters in elevation
  (A) lacks
  (B) features
  (C) excludes
  (D) disregards
  意義辨識 動詞
  steep canyons:陡峭的峽谷。peak:山頂;山峰。tower:高聳
  Taroko National Park features high  mountains and steep canyonsMany of its peaks  tower above 3,000 meters in elevation。故(B)


No. 138

  The local tour guide has a personalityEverybody  likes him
  (A) windy
  (B) stormy
  (C) sunny
  (D) cloudy
  意義辨識 形容詞
  The local tour guide has a sunny  personalityEverybody likes him。故(C)


No. 139

  Tomorrow I will be able to let you know how many people will join the trip
  (A) tremendously
  (B) highly
  (C) rationally
  (D) precisely
  意義辨識 副詞
  Tomorrow I will be able to let you know precisely how many people will join the trip。故(D)


No. 140

   fireworks shows lit up the sky of cities  around the world as people celebrated the start of 2012
  (A) Invisible
  (B) Spectacular
  (C) Dull
  (D) Endangered
  意義辨識 形容詞
  firework:煙火。light up:點燃;照亮。
  Spectacular fireworks shows lit up the sky of cities around the  world as people celebrated the start of 2012。故(B)


No. 141

  I do not know how to fix the carCould you give me a
  (A) drive
  (B) hand
  (C) light
  (D) passport
  常用問句 Could you give me a hand?或Could you do me a favor?能不能幫我一個忙?
  人是不能獨自一個人活的,需要別人幫忙的地方總是很多,所以我們就會常講:"Could you do me a favor"或是 "Could you  give me a hand" 這算是比較正式而禮貌的講法。有時候要請別人幫忙還不太好意思說,我們就會說:Could you do me a  little favor? 能不能幫我一個小忙?其實也許是幫大忙但也要先講成小忙?先讓對方點頭才是。(注意一下用 could you 會比 can you 來的客氣一點。)
  另外,"Can you help me" 也很常見,比如說我們去買東西,可是店員自己在聊天,我就會說:"Can you help me"  (其實正常來說,應該是他們主動會問 "Can I help you" 或是 "May I help  you" 才對,但有時實在等不急了,就直接先問了  "Can you help me"
  I do not know how to fix the carCould you give me a hand?故(B)。我不懂如何修車,能不能幫我一個忙?


No. 142

  I hear my brother in the bathroom when he takes a shower every  night
  (A) sing
  (B) sings
  (C) to sing
  (D) who sings
  用法 知覺動詞
  表「看see」、「聽hear」、「感覺feel」的知覺動詞之後,可接原形不定詞 (即動詞原形),做受詞補語。例如:
  I saw  him enter the room
  I never heard  him speak English
  I felt  the house shake
  I hear my brother sing in the bathroom when he takes a shower every night。故(A)


No. 143

  One of the most vivid that Leo has from his childhood is his first  day in school
  (A) losses
  (B) memories
  (C) numbers
  (D) opinions
  意義辨識 名詞
  One of the most vivid memories that Leo has from his childhood is his first  day in school。故(B)


No. 144

  Jane came back here she had forgotten her umbrella
  (A) because
  (B) until
  (C) due to
  (D) so that
  意義辨識 連接詞
  Jane came back here because she had forgotten her umbrella。故(A)Jane折返,因為她忘了拿她的雨傘。


No. 145

  This lesson seems quite ▁。
  (A) interest
  (B) interesting
  (C) interested
  (D) interestingly
  意義辨識 分詞
  interesting:主動的概念,表「有趣的」「令人感興趣的」例如:What an interesting story it is!多有趣的故事呀!
  interested:被動的概念,表「感興趣」例如:He was  interested in the question。他對這問題感興趣。
  結論This lesson seems quite interesting。故(B)。這個課程似乎很有趣。


No. 146

  Pat borrowed three books from meand he hasn’t given yet
  (A) them back
  (B) back them
  (C) it back
  (D) back it
  Pat borrowed three books from meand he hasn’t given them  back yet。故(A)


No. 147

  As her planned vacation approachedMs. Haraway made a reservation the hotel
  (A) to email
  (B) emailing
  (C) by emailing
  (D) for emailing
  意義辨識 介詞
  As her planned vacation approachedMs. Haraway made a reservation by  emailing the hotel。故(C)


No. 148

  It about one hour for  me to go from my home to school
  (A) takes
  (B) costs
  (C) spends
  (D) gives
  意義辨識 動詞
  costspendtake 這三個字都是「花費」的意思。
  cost只能當花「金錢」,不能當花「時間」解。cost的主詞通常是「it」。例如:It cost me five  dollars to buy the cage
  It takes about one hour for me to go from my home to school。故(A)。理由:花「時間」且主詞為「it」,故用take


No. 149

  He knows that he studied last nightbut he decided to watch TV instead
  (A) should
  (B) should have
  (C) would have
  (D) must have
  時態 過去完成式
  10歲以前住在美國。→ 說這句話的人,含意可能是:我現在已經大於10歲,而現在住在台灣。
先發生的動作 用過去完成式表示。
後發生的動作 用簡單過去式表示。
  He knows that he should have studied last nightbut he decided to watch TV instead。故(B)


No. 150

  Linda go to the post  office to mail lettersbut now she can  email her friends
  (A) used to
  (B) is used to
  (C) gets used to
  (D) was used to
  be used to + 原形動詞  (被…用來) 例句:Steel is used to  make cars. 鋼是用來製造汽車。
  be used to + 動名詞  (習慣於…) 例句: I am used to  reading newspapers every morning. 我習慣每天早上看報紙。
  used to + 動詞原形  (過去常常…) 例句:We used to go  jogging together. 我們過去常常一起去慢跑。
  Linda used to go to the post office to mail lettersbut now she can email her friends。故(A)
作者: squal    時間: 2012-9-3 18:59





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