
母親年紀越大 孩童的自閉症風險越高

母親年紀越大 孩童的自閉症風險越高

作者:Caroline Cassels  

  February 11, 2010 —一篇大型族群基礎研究認為,母親的年紀越大,孩童有自閉症的風險增加,這與父親的年紀無關。
  加州Sacramento UC Davis健康體系之研究者進行的此篇研究顯示,母親的年紀每增加5歲,則孩童的自閉症風險增加達18%。
  根據主要研究作者、博士生Janie Shelton表示,該研究挑戰「父親的年紀是增加自閉症風險的關鍵因素」這個假設。
  這篇研究線上登載於2月8日的自閉症研究(Autism Research)期刊。
  Autism Res. 線上發表於2010年2月8日。

Older Maternal Age Linked to Increased Risk for Autism in Children

By Caroline Cassels
Medscape Medical News

February 11, 2010 — Advanced maternal age significantly increases the risk of having a child with autism irrespective of paternal age, a large population-based study suggests.

The research, conducted by investigators at UC Davis Health System, Sacramento, California, shows that the incremental risk of having a child with autism increased by 18% for every 5-year increase in maternal age.

"These data show that the risk of having a child with full-syndrome autism increases with maternal age, but increased risk from advancing paternal age primarily occurs among younger mothers (<30)," the researchers, led by senior investigator Irva-Hertz-Picciotto, PhD, MPH, write.

According to lead study author Janie Shelton, a doctoral student, the study challenges the hypothesis that the father's age is a key factor in increasing autism risk.

"It shows that while maternal age consistently increases the risk of autism, the father's age only contributes an increased risk when the father is older and the mother is under 30 years old. Among mothers over 30, increases in the father's age do not appear to further increase the risk of autism," Ms. Shelton said in a statement.

The study was published online February 8 in Autism Research.

According to the study, previous research on autism and paternal age have yielded conflicting results on whether mothers, fathers, or both contribute to an increased risk for autism in children.

To determine the independent or dependent effect from each parent, the researchers gathered electronic records for all births in California between January 1, 1990, and December 31, 1999. The records incorporated detailed demographic information, including the age of both parents.

To identify which children would subsequently develop autism, the investigators obtained electronic records identifying children born during the study period who later received an autism diagnosis from California's Department of Developmental Services. For the study, autism was defined as a diagnosis of full-syndrome autism at a California regional center.

The final study sample included 4.9 million births and 12,159 cases of autism. The researchers report that for older mothers there was a stepwise progression in the risk of having a child who would later be diagnosed as having autism, irrespective of the father's age.

"We demonstrate that advancing maternal age increases the risk of autism independent of father's age, while advancing father's age increases the risk of autism primarily for mothers under 30. Among mothers over 30, we observed a small increased risk only among fathers 40+; even at the highest age group, the increase was smaller and less precise than that for fathers 30-34 among younger mothers," the researchers write.

At this point, the reason parental age influences autism risk is not clear. "We still need to figure out what it is about older parents that puts their children at greater risk for autism and other adverse outcomes, so we can begin to design interventions," Dr. Hertz-Picciotto said in a statement.

The study authors have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

Autism Res. Published online February 8, 2010.

