
Katy Perry - Hot N Cold

Katy Perry - Hot N Cold

You change your mind 你變心

Like a girl changes clothes 就像女孩換衣服

Yeah you, PMS 對阿 你根本就有經前症侯群

Like a bitch 就像個賤貨

I would know 我早就知道了

And you always think 你總是覺得

Always speak correctivelly 你說的永遠是對的

I should know 我早該知道

That you're no good for me 你對我一點都不好

Cause you're hot then you're cold 你一下熱情 一下冷淡

You're yes then you're no 你一下說好 一下說不好

You're in then you're out 你一下這樣一下那樣

You're up then you're down 你一下開心 一下不開心

You're wrong when it's right 你錯了硬要說成對的

It's black and it's white 事情是黑的你卻說白的

We fight, we break up 我們吵架然後分手

We kiss, we make up 我們熱吻然後合好

(you)You don't really want to stay, no 其實你一點都不想留在我身邊,喔你不想

(but you)But you don't really want to go-o 但你又不想真的離開

you're hot then you're cold 你一下熱情 一下冷淡

You're yes then you're no 你一下說好 一下說不好

You're in then you're out 你一下這樣一下那樣

You're up then you're down 你一下開心 一下不開心

We used to be 我們以前總是

Just like twins 好的像一對雙胞胎

So in sync 是如此的一致

The same energy 同樣有活力

Now's a dead battery 現在搞得像沒電一樣

Used to laugh bout nothing 過去開心的對無聊小事都能大笑

Now your plain boring 現在的你真是有夠無趣

I should know that 我早該知道

You're not gonna change 你根本不可能改了啦


Someone call the doctor 誰趕快叫醫生來

Got a case of a love bi-polar 我得了愛情的精神分裂症

Stuck on a roller coaster 就像卡在雲霄飛車上一樣

Can't get off this ride 不能趕快脫離出來

You change your mind 你變心

Like a girl changes clothes 就像女孩換衣服
噢!我真的超愛Hot N Cold這首歌. 這個MV也超好笑.
P.S 那個牧師的臉可以注意一下~滿臉不削XDD

