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初等考試英文參考試題(1) No. 1 | What’s the ▁ of the building ?
| (A) weight。
| (B) height。
| (C) legth。
| (D) size。
| 答:(B)
| weight (重量):用於人、水果、…。( What’s the weight of the eggs ? )
height (高度):用於建築、山、…。
legth (長度):用於建築、山、…。( What’s the legth of the river ? )
size (尺寸):用於衣服、鞋子、…。( What’s the size of your shoes ? )
結論:What’s the height of the building ?
這棟建築物的高度是多少? 故選(B)。
No. 2 | The earth is ▁ 。
| (A) round。
| (B) ball。
| (C) circle。
| (D) around。
| 答:(A)
| round (圓的):形容詞
ball (球):名詞
circle (圓):名詞 (standing in a circle 站成一個圓圈)
around (四處地):副詞 (Don’t leave your clothes lying around。不要把你的衣服到處放。)
本題句型為:主詞 (the earth) + be動詞 (is) + 形容詞 (round)
結論:The earth is round。地球是圓的。故選(A)。
No. 3 | I can’t see the words ▁。I need my glasses。
| (A) clearly。
| (B) curiously。
| (C) calmly。
| (D) silently。
| 答:(A)
| clearly:清楚地
| curiously:好奇地
| calmly:冷靜地
| silently:安靜地
| 感官動詞 (see、hear、speak) + clearly = … 清楚。
結論:I can’t see the words clearly。I need my glasses。我沒辦法看清楚那些字。我需要我的眼鏡。故選(A)。
| | | | | |
No. 4 | ▁ you give up smoking,I will not marry you。
| (A) While。
| (B) Whether。
| (C) Unless。
| (D) That。
| 答:(C)
| 連接詞 unless (除非) + 子句 = 表條件
結論:Unless you give up smoking,I will not marry you。除非你戒煙,否則我不會嫁給你。 故選(C)。
No. 5 | I can’t ▁ you 。Please speak louder。
| (A) listen。
| (B) listen to。
| (C) hear。
| (D) hear to。
| 答:(C)
| hear + 人/物;listen to + 人/物。
用listen to 表示聽從及聆聽。例如:Don’t listen to him! (別聽他的!)
結論:I can’t hear you 。Please speak louder。我聽不到,請你講大聲一點。 故選(C)。
No. 6 | Let me ▁ your phone number,so I won’t forget it。
| (A) call up。
| (B) hang up。
| (C) hold on。
| (D) write down。
| 答:(D)
| 四個片語動詞,都是電話用語:
call up (打電話):When I'm in Taipei, I call him up。(每到台北我都會打電話給他。)
hang up (掛電話):Don't hang up! (別掛電話!)
hold on (不掛電話)
write down (寫下來)
結論:Let me write down your phone number,so I won’t forget it。讓我寫下你的電話,這樣我才不會忘記。 故選(D)。
No. 7 | ▁ of music do you like best ?
| (A) What。
| (B) Whose。
| (C) Who。
| (D) What kind。
| 答:(D)
| What kind of … = 那一類型
結論:What kind of music do you like best ? 你最喜歡那種音樂?故選(D)。
No. 8 | Peter sometimes ▁ to school by bus。
| (A) is。
| (B) are。
| (C) go。
| (D) goes。
| 答:(D)
| Peter (第三人稱單數) → 動詞用 is 或 goes
結論:Peter sometimes goes to school by bus。彼得有時會搭公車上學。故選(D)。
No. 9 | My hobbies are ▁。
| (A) painting。
| (B) fishing。
| (C) painting and fishing。
| (D) painting or fishing。
| 答:(C)
| 複數主詞 (hobbies) + 複數動詞 (are) → 接複數主詞補語 (painting and fishing)
註:painting or fishing (畫畫或釣魚) → 接單數動詞
結論:My hobbies are painting and fishing。我的嗜好是畫畫和釣魚。故選(C)。
No. 10 | ▁ my brothers and I like swimming。
| (A) Either。
| (B) Both。
| (C) All。
| (D) Neither。
| 答:(C)
| all:代替三人或三物以上 (my brothers 就已經是兩人或兩人以上,再加上 I 當然是三人或三人以上)
結論:All my brothers and I like swimming。我哥哥們和我都喜歡游泳。故選(C)。
No. 11 | I can’t find my wallet. Can you ▁ me some money?
| (A) lend。
| (B) help。
| (C) borrow。
| (D) show。
| 答:(A)
| lend [借 (出)] & borrow [借 (入)]
A lend B something → A借給B某物
= A lend something to B → A將某物借(出)給B
= B borrow something from A → B從A那裡借(入)了某物
結論:I can’t find my wallet. Can you lend me some money? 我找不到我的錢包,你可以借我一些錢嗎?故選(A)。
註:How much have you borrowed from him? 你從他那裡借了多少錢?
No. 12 | What’s the ▁ today? It is so cold。
| (A) feeling。
| (B) suggestion。
| (C) tempo。
| (D) temperature。
| 答:(D)
| 意義辨識 → 名詞
feeling (感覺):It gave me a feeling of satisfaction. (這給了我一種滿足感。)
suggestion (建議):I have lots of suggestions for the park's future. (對於公園未來的規劃我有很多提議。)
tempo (速度、拍子):Both teams played with a lot of quality,pace and tempo.(兩支球隊的水準都很高,節奏和速度都很快。)
temperature (溫度、氣溫)
結論:What’s the temperature
today? It is so cold。 今天溫度多少?好冷。故選(D)。
No. 13 | This expensive motorcycle ▁ a rich friend of mine。
| (A) belongs to。
| (B) looks after。
| (C) is used to。
| (D) runs after。
| 答:(A)
| 意義辨識 → 片語動詞
belong to (屬於):
looks after (照顧):I love looking after the children. 我喜歡照顧小孩。
is used to (習慣於…):
be used to + 原形動詞 (被…用來) 例句:Steel is used to make cars. 鋼是用來製造汽車。
be used to + 動名詞 (習慣於…) 例句: I am used to reading newspapers every morning. 我習慣每天早上看報紙。
used to + 動詞原形 (過去常常…) 例句:We used to go jogging together. 我們過去常常一起去慢跑。
runs after
追逐(對象等):例句:He's always running after women. 他老是在追女人。
結論:This expensive motorcycle belongs to
a rich friend of mine。這台昂貴的摩托車屬於我一個有錢的朋友。故選(A)。
No. 14 | When I woke up early this morning,I heard a dog ▁ downstairs。
| (A) to bark。
| (B) barked。
| (C) barking。
| (D) has barked。
| 答:(C)
| 感官動詞 (hear) 後接的受詞 (a dog) 其動作 (bark) 用原形或Ving表主動語意,用Vpp表被動語意.
至於被動語意用法,舉例如下:When I opened the door,I saw someone killed. 當我打開門時,我見到有人被殺.
結論:When I woke up early this morning,I heard a dog barking
downstairs。 今早當我醒來時,我聽到樓下狗正在吠。故選(C)。
No. 15 | The project needs to be finished soon, ▁ our boss wants to know the result。
| (A) because。
| (B) yet。
| (C) but。
| (D) so。
| 答:(A)
| 意義辨識 → 連接詞
| because子句: | 表原因、理由的子句,中譯為「因為…所以」。
| yet子句: | 用於引出頗令人驚訝的事實,中譯為「然而,但是」。
It is completely waterproof, yet light and comfortable。它防水性能非常好,但卻輕巧舒適。
| but子句: | 常結構成「not…but」之句型,中譯為「不是…而是」。
Not money but courage is what you need。你需要的不是錢,而是勇氣。
| so子句: | 表示兩個事件或情況在某方面相似,中譯為「正如…,也…」。
Just as John has changed, so has his wife。(正如) 約翰變了,他的妻子也變了。
| 結論: | The project needs to be finished soon,because
our boss wants to know the result。
| | | |
No. 16 | My brother and I often have lunch at the school ▁ together。
| (A) bathroom。
| (B) cafeteria。
| (C) department。
| (D) pool。
| 答:(B)
| 意義辨識 → 名詞
bathroom:浴室 ; cafeteria:食堂或自助餐館; department:部門; pool:水池或游泳池。
結論:My brother and I often have lunch at the school cafeteria
No. 17 | Please give me two ▁ of paper。
| (A) sleep。
| (B) sheep。
| (C) sheets。
| (D) loaves。
| 答:(C)
| 意義辨識 → 名詞
sleep:睡覺 ; sheep:綿羊; sheets:張; loaves:條。
a sheet of paper = 一張紙 ; two sheets of paper = 兩張紙 。
a loaf of bread = 一條麵包 ; two loaves of bread = 兩張紙 。
結論:Please give me two sheets
of paper。 請給我兩張紙。故選(C)。
No. 18 | Barry looked ▁ when he was told he had passed the test。
| (A) excited。
| (B) exciting。
| (C) to be exciting。
| (D) excite。
| 答:(A)
| 意義辨識 → 連綴動詞
動詞excite的Vpp 和Ving為excited 跟 exciting都是形容詞,但excited 通常都是拿來形容“人”;exciting通常形容“物”,且exciting意思是「令人興奮的」,與本題「題意」不合。
結論:Barry looked excited
when he was told he had passed the test。
No. 19 | Drinks are provided in a set meal,but you can only have one. In fact, you are allowed to choose ▁ tea or coffee。
| (A) both。
| (B) too。
| (C) also。
| (D) either。
| 答:(D)
| either表示在兩者或多者中擇其一。
結論:Drinks are provided in a set meal,but you can only have one. In fact, you are allowed to choose either
tea or coffee。
No. 20 | Danielle’s parents will ▁ a party for her to celebrate her 18th birthday。
| (A) do。
| (B) hold。
| (C) make。
| (D) use。
| 答:(B)
| hold
a party:舉行宴會、酒會等 (習慣性用法)
結論:Danielle’s parents will hold
a party for her to celebrate her 18th birthday。
No. 21 | The faster Tom walks,▁。
| (A) the more tired he gets。
| (B) more tired。
| (C) he gets tired。
| (D) he gets more tired。
| 答:(A)
| 比較級句型:the + 比較級形容詞 …,the more + 比較級形容詞 …。(愈…,就愈)
結論:The faster Tom walks,the more tired he gets。湯姆走的愈快,他就愈累。故選(A)。
No. 22 | Alice is friendly and ▁。
| (A) kindly。
| (B) kind。
| (C) kindness。
| (D) kinds。
| 答:(B)
| 連接詞 and
friendly (友善的):雖然後面是表副詞的「ly」但實際上是形容詞,表副詞的友善是kindly(友善地)。
結論:Alice is friendly and kind。愛麗絲很友善,而且善良。故選(B)。
No. 23 | This bag is not ours, ▁?
| (A) ours。
| (B) are we。
| (C) is it。
| (D) is ours。
| 答:(C)
| 附加問句與主要子句的一致性:
本例,主要子句為否定(is not),故附加問句為肯定(is),主要子句的主詞為This bag為「物」,故附加問句的主詞用「物」的代名詞it,動詞為be動詞,必須至於主詞前。故附加問句為is it ?
結論:This bag is not ours,is it?故選(C)。
No. 24 | The clock has been working well since he ▁ it for me。
| (A) has fixed。
| (B) had fixed。
| (C) fixed。
| (D) would fix。
| 答:(C)
| since 用來表示某段時間的起點,常用於現在完成式,其意為:自...以來;從...至今。
The clock has been working well since he fixed it for me。故選(C)。
No. 25 | I ▁ here since 2 years ago。
| (A) has lived。
| (B) have lived。
| (C) lived。
| (D) had lived。
| 答:(B)
| since 用來表示某段時間的起點,常用於現在完成式,其意為:自...以來;從...至今。
句型:主詞 + have或has + p.p. + since + 特定時間
結論:I have lived here since 2 years ago。從2年前至今,我一直住在這裡。故選(B)。
No. 26 | Betty has been very ▁ towards Tom since their quarrel last week。
| (A) afraid。
| (B) bothering。
| (C) clever。
| (D) cold。
| 答:(D)
| 意義辨識 → 形容詞
Betty has been very cold towards Tom since their quarrel last week。
since 用來表示某段時間的起點,常用於現在完成式,其意為:自...以來;從...至今。
No. 27 | My father loves to ▁ the mountains every Sunday morning。
| (A) point。
| (B) climb。
| (C) trace。
| (D) become。
| 答:(B)
| 結論:My father loves to climb the mountains every Sunday morning。我父親喜歡每個星期天早上爬山。故選(B)。
No. 28 | The cookbook contains a wonderful ▁ for roast chicken。
| (A) system。
| (B) spell。
| (C) vehicle。
| (D) recipe。
| 答:(D)
| 意義辨識 → 名詞
結論:The cookbook contains a wonderful recipe for roast chicken。這本烹飪書內含一道精彩的烤雞食譜。故選(D)。
No. 29 | Before Sally and John divorced, they tried a ▁。
| (A) widow。
| (B) wedding。
| (C) sequence。
| (D) separation。
| 答:(D)
| 意義辨識 → 名詞
結論:Before Sally and John divorced, they tried a separation。Sally和John離婚前,他們曾嘗試分居。
No. 30 | I love this song a lot because it has a sweet ▁。
| (A) noise。
| (B) melody。
| (C) flour。
| (D) waist。
| 答:(B)
| 意義辨識 → 名詞
結論:I love this song a lot because it has a sweet melody。我很喜歡這首歌,因為它有溫柔甜美的旋律。故選(B)。
No. 31 | I ▁ the book which my father had given me。
| (A) lose。
| (B) lost。
| (C) have lost。
| (D) had lost。
| 答:(B)
| 時態 → 過去完成式
我10歲以前住在美國。→ 說這句話的人,含意可能是:我現在已經大於10歲,而現在住在台灣。
先發生的動作 → 用過去完成式表示。
後發生的動作 → 用簡單過去式表示。
結論:I lost
the book which my father had given me。我弄丟了父親給我的書。故選(B)。
給 (書) 和 弄丟 (書),這兩個動作都是「過去」發生的。
父親先給我書 (用過去完成式had given表示);我後來弄丟了(用簡單過去式lost表示)。
No. 32 | The United States ▁ to build a supersonic aircraft,but there was no support fot it in the Congress。
| (A) has intended。
| (B) is intended。
| (C) had intended。
| (D) is intending。
| 答:(C)
| 時態 → 過去完成式
先發生的動作 → 用過去完成式表示。
後發生的動作 → 用簡單過去式表示。
The United States had intended to build a supersonic aircraft,but there was no support fot it in the Congress。故選(C)。
打算 (建造超音速飛機) 和 沒有 (獲得國會的支持),這兩個動作都是「過去」發生的。
先有建造超音速飛機的企圖 (用過去完成式had intended表示);後來國會沒有支持(用簡單過去式was表示)。
No. 33 | She ▁ with this company for 5 years。
| (A) has work。
| (B) is worked。
| (C) had work。
| (D) has been working。
| 答:(D)
| 時態
→ 現在完成進行式:主詞 + (have / has) been + 現在分詞。現在完成進行式有「一直都…」之意味。
結論:She has been working with this company for 5 years。她在這家公司服務已有五年(她仍將服務下去)。故選(D)。
No. 34 | He was ▁ by his companions。
| (A) mislead。
| (B) misled。
| (C) misleding。
| (D) misleading。
| 答:(B)
| 意義辨識 → mislead:vt. 帶錯路;引入歧途。(過去式、過去分詞、現在分詞) = (misled、misled、misleading)。
結論:He was misled by his companions。他被夥伴們帶壞了。故選(B)。理由:被動語態故選過去分詞misled。
No. 35 | These men were ▁ her family's privacy。
| (A) violating。
| (B) violate。
| (C) violated。
| (D) violation。
| 答:(A)
| 意義辨識 → violate:vt. 違反;侵犯。(過去式violated、過去分詞violated、現在分詞violating、名詞violation)
These men were violating her family's privacy。故選(A)。
No. 36 | Mr. Wang’s lawyer argued strongly that his rights had been ▁ because the police had illegally searched his apartment。
| (A) produced。
| (B) misled。
| (C) violated。
| (D) implied。
| 答:(C)
| 意義辨識 → 動詞
Mr. Wang’s lawyer argued strongly that his rights had been violated because the police had illegally searched his apartment。王先生的律師強烈地主張:「他的基本人權已被侵犯,因為警察曾經非法搜查他的公寓」。故選(C)。
註:過去完成式:主詞 + had + 過去分詞。
先發生的動作 → 用過去完成式表示。例如本例中之「had been violated」,為過去完成式之被動語態。
後發生的動作 → 用簡單過去式表示。例如本例中之「argued」。
No. 37 | Tina has been ▁ from diabetes for several years, and she has to go to see a doctor every month。
| (A) affecting。
| (B) catching。
| (C) inflicting。
| (D) suffering。
| 答:(D)
| 意義辨識 → 動詞
affect:影響。catch:感染。inflict:使遭受(損傷、苦痛等)。suffer from:罹患(某種病)。
Tina has been suffering from diabetes for several years, and she has to go to see a doctor every month。
註:現在完成進行式:主詞 + (have / has) been + 現在分詞。現在完成進行式有「一直都…」之意味。
No. 38 | Mary experienced a great ▁ and couldn’t speak when she heard the news。
| (A) sample。
| (B) secret。
| (C) shock。
| (D) similarity。
| 答:(C)
| 意義辨識 → 名詞
Mary experienced a great shock and couldn’t speak when she heard the news。
No. 39 | Could you please go to the post office and send this ▁ out for me ?
| (A) letter。
| (B) speech。
| (C) stamp。
| (D) word。
| 答:(A)
| 意義辨識 → 名詞
Could you please go to the post office and send this letter out for me ? 請幫我到郵局寄出這封信。故選(A)。
No. 40 | Jack gave me a big ▁ on my birthday last year. I was really touched。
| (A) accident。
| (B) interest。
| (C) surprise。
| (D) trouble。
| 答:(C)
| 意義辨識 → 名詞
Jack gave me a big surprise on my birthday last year. I was really touched。故選(C)。
No. 41 | He spread a handkerchief ▁ his face to keep the flies off。
| (A) on。
| (B) at。
| (C) above。
| (D) over。
| 答:(D)
| 字詞辨意 → 介詞
above只表示主詞在受詞上方,但彼此不接觸。例如:The sun rose above the horizon。(太陽和水平線不接觸)
over除表示主詞在受詞上方外,且含有「覆蓋」之意。例如:Spread a cloth over the table。(布和桌子接觸)
Applicants must be above/over the age of 20。申請人年齡必須超過20歲。
Thers is nothing in this shop above/over one dollar。這店裡沒一樣東西價錢高於一塊錢。
It weighs above/over ten tons。它的重量超過一噸。
結論:He spread a handkerchief over his face to keep the flies off。他鋪蓋一條手帕在臉上以避蒼蠅。故選(D)。
No. 42 | There are always some racial ▁ in africa。
| (A) incidents。
| (B) accidents。
| (C) events。
| (D) episodes。
| 答:(A)
| 字詞辨意 → 名詞
結論:There are always some racial incidents in africa。在非洲常有種族糾紛事件。故選(A)。
No. 43 | His ▁ to do the work is enough。
| (A) ability。
| (B) capacity。
| (C) competence。
| (D) talent。
| 答:(C)
| 字詞辨意 → 名詞
ability:是最接近中文「能力」字義的字。例如:1、Man has the ability to talk。2、He is a man of ability。
capacity:有「學習力、理解力」之意。例如:The child shows a great capacity for learning languages。
talent:指在某方面具有「天生才能」特別指藝術方面的天分。例如:She has artistic talent。
結論:His competence to do the work is enough。他的才能足夠勝任這個工作。故選(C)。
No. 44 | If you got a lot of money what ▁?
| (A) will you do。
| (B) would you do。
| (C) can you do。
| (D) may you do。
| 答:(B)
| 句構 → 與現在事實相反的假設語氣
與現在事實相反的假設語氣:if子句的動詞用「過去式」,主要子句則用「過去式助動詞 + 原形動詞」。
If you got a lot of money what would you do?故選(B)。
理由:因為if子句的動詞用「過去式got」,故知此句構為「與現在事實相反的假設語氣」,因此,主要子句則用「過去式助動詞would + 原形動詞do」。
No. 45 | If I ▁ rich,I would help you。
| (A) am。
| (B) was。
| (C) were。
| (D) have。
| 答:(C)
| 句構 → 與現在事實相反的假設語氣
if子句的動詞用「過去式」,主要子句則用「過去式助動詞 + 原形動詞」。
If I were rich,I would help you。故選(C)。如果我有錢,我就會幫助你。(註:事實上我現在沒有錢)
理由:因為主要子句用「過去式助動詞would + 原形動詞help」,故知此句構為「與現在事實相反的假設語氣」,因此,if子句的be動詞,不論主詞是第幾人稱,一律使用「were」。
No. 46 | Mary loves weekends. Saturdays and Sundays are her ▁ days of the week。
| (A) cold。
| (B) favorite。
| (C) difficult。
| (D) possible。
| 答:(B)
| 意義辨識 → 形容詞
結論:Mary loves weekends。Saturdays and Sundays are her favorite days of the week。故選(B)。
No. 47 | Grandpa discovered his surprise birthday cake ▁ in the oven。
| (A) putting。
| (B) eating。
| (C) hiking。
| (D) baking。
| 答:(D)
| 意義辨識 → 現在分詞
結論:Grandpa discovered his surprise birthday cake baking in the oven。故選(D)。
省略前原句為:Grandpa discovered his surprise birthday cake which is baking in the oven。
「關係代名詞which」引導的「形容詞子句which is baking in the oven」,用來修飾「his surprise birthday cake」。
形容詞子句 (即關係子句) 可以省略關係詞和/或BE動詞的情況有下列幾種: (1) 關係詞在關係子句中當受詞,如 He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday. (他是我昨天看到的男子) (句中的 whom/that 可以省略)。 (2) 關係詞在關係子句中當主詞,其後接 BE動詞 + 現在分詞或過去分詞,這時可以省略關係詞及BE動詞,而留下分詞: his surprise birthday cake baking in the oven (=his surprise birthday cake which is baking in the oven)。
No. 48 | Mountain climbing can be ▁ because accidents do happen。
| (A) boring。
| (B) effective。
| (C) expensive。
| (D) dangerous。
| 答:(D)
| 意義辨識
→ 形容詞
在肯定句的動詞前 (happen) 置入助動詞 (do) 用來加強語氣,助動詞 (do) 譯成「的確」。
Mountain climbing can be dangerous because accidents do happen。故選(D)。
No. 49 | Vicky wishes she could learn all the foreign languages ▁ at school。
| (A) teach。
| (B) teaching。
| (C) taught。
| (D) were taught。
| 答:(C)
| 關係詞和BE動詞的省略:
關係詞在關係子句中當主詞,其後接be動詞 + 現在分詞或過去分詞時,可以省略關係詞及be動詞,而留下分詞。
省略前原句為:all the foreign languages which were taught by the teacher at school
= all the foreign languages which were taught at school (省略by the teacher,因為 "語言被老師教" 是眾所皆知的事,可以省略)
= all the foreign languages taught at school (省略which were;因為當「形容詞子句」的語態是「被動」時,我們可以把「關係代名詞」和 beV 一起省去,讓它變成「過去分詞片語」的形式;也就是說,可以直接用「過去分詞片語」來修飾「先行詞」,以表示「被動」的含意。)
Vicky wishes she could learn all the foreign languages taught at school。故選(C)。
No. 50 | While the children ▁ noisily in the classroom,the teacher suddenly came in。
| (A) are talking。
| (B) have talking。
| (C) was talking。
| (D) were talking。
| 答:(D)
| 時態 → 過去進行式 (主詞 + was/were + 現在分詞)
While the children were talking noisily in the classroom,the teacher suddenly came in。故選(D)。
由the children知道主詞是「複數」。
因此,選were talking。
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