
螺旋星系NGC 2403

螺旋星系NGC 2403

Spiral Galaxy NGC 2403 from Subaru

影像版權與提供: Suprime-Cam, Subaru Telescope, NAOJ

      Sprawling spiral arms dotted with bright red emission nebulas highlight this new and detailed image of nearby spiral galaxy NGC 2403. Also visible in the photogenic spiral galaxy are blue open clusters, dark dust lanes, and a bright but relatively small central nucleus. NGC 2403 is located just beyond the Local Group of Galaxies, at a relatively close 10 million light years away toward the constellation of the Giraffe (Camelopardalis). NGC 2403 has a designated Hubble type of Sc. In 2004, NGC 2403 was home to one of the brightest supernovas of modern times. The above image, the highest resolution complete image of NGC 2403 ever completed, was taken by the Japan's 8.3-meter Subaru telescope located on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, USA.

      鑲著明亮紅色發射星雲的零亂漩渦臂,是這幅鄰近螺旋星系NGC 2403高解析新影像的特點。除此之外,在這個很上鏡頭的螺旋星系內,也可以見到藍色的疏散星團、黝黑的塵埃 帶、及明亮但相當細小的星系核心。 NGC 2403剛好在本星系群之外,距離我們只有一千萬光年,位在北天的鹿豹座(長頸鹿)內。NGC 2403在哈伯星系分類法內,被歸類成Sc星系 (指具有細小星系核心的螺旋星系)。在2004年,NGC 2403是近代最明亮超新星之一的寄主星系。上面這幅影像是由位在美國.夏威夷州.基亞山上的日本8.3米昴宿望遠鏡所拍攝的,它是到目前為止最高解析度的NGC 2403影像。

資料來源: Scientific American
                 Department of Physics, NCKU

