

No. 51

  That large building stands on the side of the street
  (A) opposed
  (B) opposite
  (C) oppose
  (D) opposing
  混淆字形 oppose & opposite
  oppose:為及物動詞是「反對」之意。例如:I  oppose this plan= I am opposed to this plan。第二句中的opposed為過去分詞當形容詞用,to為介系詞所以後面接名詞、代名詞或Ving
  結論That large building stands on the opposite side of the street。那棟建築物座落在對街上。故(B)


No. 52

  Come on. Take off your . You’re so wet
  (A) cloth
  (B) clothe
  (C) clothes
  (D) clothing
  混淆字形 clothclotheclothes & clothing
  cloth  (布料):不可數名詞;(尤用於製衣的布) 例句:Clean the surface with a damp cloth.。用濕布清潔表面。
  clothe (穿上):動詞;例句:The children were clothed in pure cotton. 給孩子們穿上純棉的衣服。
  clothes:名詞;是衣服的總稱,指全身的穿戴,不僅包括內外衣褲,還包括鞋、襪、帽子在內,總是以複數形式出現,沒有單數形式,動詞用複數形式。例句:Most of her clothes were made by herself。她的大部分衣服是自己做的。
  clothing  (衣類):集合名詞;也是指服裝的總稱,涉及分類時用之。例如:winter clothing(冬裝)used clothing(舊衣服)man's(women's)clothing()服裝,foodclothingshelter and transportation (食衣住行)
  結論Come on. Take off your clothes. You’re so wet。來。把衣服脫掉。你全身濕透了。故(C)


No. 53

  We have time to  waste
  (A) no
  (B) not
  (C) neither
  (D) none
  詞性辨識 形容詞修飾名詞;副詞修飾動詞
We have  no time to waste。形容詞(no) 修飾 名詞(time)
I do not。副詞(not) 修飾 助動詞(do)
I was not  in Taipei at the time。副詞(not) 修飾 助動詞(was)。註:be動詞也是助動詞的一種。
  結論We have no time to  waste。我們沒有時間可以浪費。故(A)


No. 54

  I don’t like living in the  country
  (A) very
  (B) much
  (C) very much
  (D) all of the above
  重要的副詞用法 verymuchvery much
  very不可單獨修飾動詞,very much則可,但應置於句尾。I very like you(×) I like you very much() (A)
  very much多用於肯定句中且位置應在句尾。故(C)
  結論I don’t much like living  in the country。我很不喜歡住鄉下。故(B)


No. 55

  I met him not yesterday the day before yesterday
  (A) and
  (B) either
  (C) but。,
  (D) so
  意義辨識 連接詞
  not … but …:「不是而是」是對等連接詞的固定用法,連接兩個意思相反的字或片語。
  結論I met him not yesterday but  the day before yesterday。我不是昨天遇到他,而是前天。故(C)


No. 56

  I looked everywhere for my car keyand I finally   it in the bathroom
  (A) avoided
  (B) ignored
  (C) found
  (D) arrested
  意義辨識 動詞
  avoid (避免)She braked suddenly and avoided an accident. 她緊急煞車,避免了一場車禍。
  ignor (忽視)She said her husband ignored her。她說丈夫不關心她。
  arrest (逮捕)He was arrested on a charge of murder. 他因謀殺罪被捕。
  I looked everywhere for my car keyand I finally found it in the  bathroom。故(C)


No. 57

  Christmas is coming. Who wants to go with me  to the to buy the presents?
  (A) department store
  (B) movie theater
  (C) elevator
  (D) school
  意義辨識 名詞
  department store (百貨公司)movie theater (電影院)elevator(電梯)school (學校)
  Christmas is coming. Who wants to go with me  to the department store to buy the presents? (A)


No. 58

  A friend of   says he prefers the version of the Christmas story written by Henry
  (A) they
  (B) them
  (C) theirs
  (D) they’re
  所有格vs 所有代名詞
My name is John(2) This is her book(3) His  brother works in Taichung
  This book is minemine = my bookmine不但有所有格 (我的) 的意思,而且具有代名詞的功用(代替book)
  This is my book(所有格my後面加名詞book)This book is mine(所有代名詞mine後面沒有名詞)
  A friend of theirs says he prefers the version of the Christmas story written  by Henry(C)
  That's their business. 那是他們的事(their後面接名詞business)That book is theirs. 那本書是他們的。(不接名詞)


No. 59

  The Sahara Desertwhich covers millions of square  kilometersis a desert in Africa
  (A) light
  (B) huge
  (C) heavy
  (D) quick
  意義辨識 形容詞
  light (輕的)huge (巨大的)heavy(重的)quick (快的)
  The Sahara Desertwhich covers millions of square kilometersis a huge desert in Africa(B)


No. 60

  Don’t get into trouble again,▁ you’ll be in prison
  (A) and
  (B) or
  (C) so
  (D) yet
  意義辨識 連接詞
  結論Don’t get into trouble againor  you’ll be in prison不要再惹麻煩了,否則你會在監獄裡。故(B)


No. 61

  Wendy wants   by everyone in her company
  (A) to like
  (B) liking
  (C) to be liked
  (D) like
  被動語態句型結構:主詞 + be動詞 + 過去分詞 + by + sb
  結論Wendy wants to be liked by  everyone in her company溫迪希望被公司裡的每個人喜歡。故(C)


No. 62

  Her brother a picture yesterday
  (A) draws
  (B) draw
  (C) drew
  (D) drawed
  易混淆的動詞 →不規則變化動詞 draw
  結論Her  brother drew a picture yesterday她的哥哥昨天畫了一幅畫。故(C)


No. 63

  We have dinner for two hours
  (A) eat
  (B) ate
  (C) eaten
  (D) eating
  易混淆的動詞 →不規則變化動詞 eat
  eat ():過去式(ate);過去分詞(eaten);現在分詞(eating);第三人稱單數(eats)
  結論We have eaten dinner  for two hours。我們晚餐已經吃了2小時。故(C)


No. 64

  How long has Anita been in Taipei
  (A) live
  (B) lived
  (C) lives
  (D) living
  時態 現在完成進行式:主詞 + (have / has) been + 現在分詞。現在完成進行式有「一直都」之意味。
  結論How long has Anita been living  in TaipeiAnita一直住在台北多久了?故(D)
  理由:已經存在has + 過去分詞 (been),因此,後面只能接進行式,構成現在完成進行式。


No. 65

  How your parents
  (A) do
  (B) are
  (C) is
  (D) about
  "Parents" is a plural word so we use  "are"
  "How is your mother" singular
  "How is your father" singular
  "How are your parents" plural
  結論How are your parents?你父母好嗎?故(B)


No. 66

  I don't have   free time
  (A) much
  (B) many
  (C) a few
  (D) several
  可數名詞 vs不可數名詞
  結論I don't have much free time。我沒有太多的空閒時間。故(A)。理由:時間為不可數單數名詞。
  many用於可數複數名詞。例如:There are many books on the shelf。在書架上有很多書。故(B)
  a few用於可數複數名詞;a  little用於不可數單數名詞。註:a fewa little用於肯定句,表示「一些」。故(C)
  例如:Several students are studying in the classroom。(幾個學生在教室裡讀書。)


No. 67

  Although he 's wealthyhe spends   on clothes
  (A) much
  (B) many
  (C) few
  (D) little
  用法辨識 few little
  a fewfew +可數名詞。a littlelittle + 不可數名詞。
  a fewa little 為肯定含義,表「有一些」。fewlittle為否定含義,表「幾乎沒有」。
He has a  few friends。他有幾個朋友。
He has  few friends。他幾乎沒有朋友。
We still  have a little time。我們還有點時間。
There is  little time left。幾乎沒剩下什麼時間了。
  結論Although he 's wealthyhe spends little on  clothes。雖然他富有,卻幾乎不置裝。故(D)
  理由spend所指的是錢,不可數,只能用littlea little.本句為although引導表讓步的從屬子句,由句意知後句為否定含義,因此應用little表示幾乎不。


No. 68

  ▁,the family decided to take a trip to the city  of Taitung
  (A) It is a fine day
  (B) It being a fine  day
  (C) Being a fine day
  (D) Because a fine day
  分詞構句 把兩個簡單句合成一句
兩個簡單句:(1) It is a fine day(2) The family decided to take a trip to the city of Taitung
合成句:Because It is a fine daythe family decided to take a trip to the city of Taitung
副詞子句的主詞 (It) 和主要子句的主詞 (the family) 不同,故副詞子句的主詞不可省略。
It being a  fine daythe family decided to take a trip to the city  of Taitung。故(B)


No. 69

  ▁,Taipei looks beautiful at night
  (A) Seen from the mountain
  (B) Seeing from the  mountain
  (C) Taipei can be seen  from the mountain
  (D) We can  see Taipei from the mountain
  分詞構句 主詞相同被動語態
兩個簡單句:(1) Taipei can be seen from the mountain(2) Taipei looks  beautiful at night
兩句主詞相同,故分詞構句可省略主詞 (Taipei)
分詞構句為被動語態,故用過去分詞 (seen)
Seen from  the mountainTaipei looks beautiful at night。從山上看,台北有美麗的夜景。故(A)


No. 70

  By next Sunday you with us for three months
  (A) will stay
  (B) shall stayshall  stay
  (C) will have stayed
  (D) have stayed
  時態 未來完成式 主詞 + will have + 過去分詞
  stay  with:表示住在親戚朋友家。例如:He stays with his friends。他住在朋友家。
  stay  at (in):表示住在旅館時,stay接介詞atin。例如:He stays at (in)  a hotel。他住旅館。
  By next Sunday you will have stayed  with us for three months。到下星期日,你和我們同住將滿三個月了。故(C)


No. 71

  Visitors to the museum have to an entrance fee
  (A) buy
  (B) fine
  (C) pay
  (D) fix
  Buy  & Pay buy somethingpay money for something
  不要被中文「買票」困住了buy a  ticket (買票)pay an  entrance fee (支付入場費)
  An  entrance fee is a sum of money which you pay before you go  into somewhere such as a cinema or museumor  which you have to pay in order to join an organization or institution
  If you buy  something you obtain it by paying money for it
  結論Visitors to the museum have to pay  an entrance fee。博物館的參觀者必須支付入場費。故(C)
  註:fine (罰款)。例如:She was fined NT$500。她被罰款新台幣500元。


No. 72

  This has been a long discussion. I hope we can  come to some by dinner time
  (A) agreement
  (B) battle
  (C) meaning
  (D) purpose
  意義辨識 名詞
  This has been a long discussion. I hope we can  come to some agreement by dinner time。故(A)


No. 73

  Alan has always been careful about money while  his brother always lends out his money without ▁。
  (A) an amount
  (B) a possibility
  (C) an experience
  (D) a second thought
  while引導的子句用於「與主要子句產生對比時」,while (卻;但是;然而) 之意。
  Alan has always been careful about money while  his brother always lends out his money without a second thought


No. 74

  According to recent medical reportspeople will probably live  longer
  (A) although they do not smoke
  (B) and do not smoke
  (C) do not smoke
  (D) who do not smoke
  關係代名詞 who
  兩個句子:(1)主要句: people will  probably live longer(2) 補充句:people do not smoke
  現在,我們把兩個句子合起來。找出兩個句子裡所指相同的名詞 people,然後先把補充句直接接到所要形容的people後面,再把補充句裡重覆的people去掉,因people為句中主詞,故用表示人的主格關係代名詞who取代即可。
  people [people who do not smoke] will probably live longer.
  According to recent medical reportspeople who do not smoke  will probably live longer。故(D)


No. 75

  The good time we spent together in college a deep impression on my mind
  (A) has remained
  (B) has stayed
  (C) has left
  (D) has done
  remainstay都是不及物動詞,不接受詞,本句有受詞a deep impression,故(AB)皆不選
  has done與題意不合,故(D)不選
  The good time we spent together in college has left a deep impression on my mind。故(C)


No. 76

  On SundaysMark  usually to my house for dinner and chats with me. I  always enjoy his visit
  (A) comes over
  (B) drops off
  (C) gets along
  (D) takes off
  意義辨識 片語
  come over:順便來訪;Come over any  timeI'm always in。請隨便什麼時候來坐坐,我總在家。
  drop off:讓…下車;please drop me  off here。讓我在這裡下車就行了。
  get along:過活;We can get along  without your help。沒有你的幫忙我們也能過日子。
  take off:脫下;He took off his  raincoat and took out the key。他脫下雨衣,拿出鑰匙。
  On SundaysMark  usually comes over to my house for dinner and chats with me. I  always enjoy his visit。故(A)


No. 77

  He is very   .He always looks on the bright side of life
  (A) pessimistic
  (B) optimistic
  (C) imaginary
  (D) inventive
  意義辨識 形容詞
  pessimistic (悲觀的)optimistic (樂觀的)imaginary(想象中的)inventive (善於創造的)
  結論He is very optimistic .He  always looks on the bright side of life。他很樂觀,總是看到生活的光明面。故(B)


No. 78

  BettyYou haven’t  forgotten about the picnic,▁? CharleneNoI’m looking forward  to it
  (A) have you
  (B) did you
  (C) hadn’t you
  (D) are you
  一致性 附加問句
  結論BettyYou haven’t  forgotten about the picnichave you?你沒忘記野餐這件事,對吧?故(A)


No. 79

  We will go for a walk if the weather warmer tomorrow
  (A) became
  (B) has become
  (C) is becoming
  (D) becomes
  時態 簡單未來式 主詞 + will + 原形動詞
  句構 純條件假設語氣
  純條件假設語氣:if子句的動詞用「現在式」,主要子句則用「現在式助動詞 + 原形動詞」。
  結論We will go for a walk if the weather becomes warmer tomorrow。若明天天氣變得暖和,我們會去散步。故(D)


No. 80

  George’s life would have been really different  if he Terrisa years ago
  (A) was not meeting
  (B) did not meet
  (C) had not met
  (D) has not met
  句構 與過去事實相反的假設語氣
  與過去事實相反的假設語氣:if子句的動詞用「過去完成式」,主要子句則用「過去式助動詞 + have + Vpp」。
  George’s life would have been really different  if he had not met Terrisa years ago。故(C)


No. 81

  At the annual food festival, you can a wide variety of delicacies
  (A) sample
  (B) deliver
  (C) cater
  (D) reduce
  意義辨識 及物動詞
  sample (品嚐;試吃)deliver (投遞;傳送)cater(...提供飲食;承辦(宴會等)的酒席)reduce (減少;降低)
  annual food festival:一年一度的美食節
  At the annual food festivalyou can sample a wide  variety of delicacies。故(A)


No. 82

  On my flight to TokyoI asked a flight to bring me an extra pillow
  (A) clerk
  (B) employer
  (C) chauffeur
  (D) attendant
  意義辨識 名詞
  clerk (辦事員;職員)employer (雇主)chauffeur(‘尤指私家車的汽車司機)attendant (服務員;侍者)
  On my flight to TokyoI asked a flight attendant to  bring me an extra pillow。故(D)


No. 83

  Cloud Gatean  internationally dance group from Taiwandemonstrated that the quality of modern dance  in Asia could be comparable to that of modern dance in Europe and North  America
  (A) refunded
  (B) reflected
  (C) retained
  (D) renowned
  字形辨識 renown名詞;renowned形容詞
  refunded (退還;refund的過去式及過去分詞)reflected (反射;reflect的過去式及過去分詞)
  retained(保留;retain的過去式及過去分詞)renowned (著名的)
  be comparable to:可以與…相比;比得上
  Cloud Gatean  internationally renowned dance group from Taiwandemonstrated that the quality of modern dance  in Asia could be comparable to that of modern dance in Europe and North  America。故(D)
  來自台灣的國際知名舞團 - 雲門舞集,證明,亞洲現代舞蹈的質量比得上歐洲和北美的現代舞蹈。


No. 84

  The complex is   of the main buildinga tennis courtand a wonderful garden
  (A) organized
  (B) collected
  (C) occupied
  (D) comprised
  be comprised of:由…組成
  The complex is comprised of  the main buildinga tennis courtand  a wonderful garden。故(D)


No. 85

  The zoo features more than 1,000 animals in  their natural ▁。
  (A) habitats
  (B) playgrounds
  (C) landmarks
  (D) facilities
  意義辨識 名詞
  habitat(動物的) 棲息地playground:操場。landmark:界標。facility:設備。
  The zoo features more than 1,000 animals in  their natural habitats。故(A)


No. 86

  A good tour guide has to be to the people in his group
  (A) considered
  (B) conditioned
  (C) confided
  (D) committed
  意義辨識 形容詞
  結論A good tour guide has to be committed to the people in his group。故(D)。一個好導遊必須對其團員忠誠。


No. 87

  I just spent a relaxing afternoon taking a along the river-walk
  (A) trot
  (B) dip
  (C) stroll
  (D) look
  意義辨識 名詞
  river-walk (riverwalk):河濱;河堤
  I just spent a relaxing afternoon taking a stroll  along the river-walk。故(C)


No. 88

  In the entrance hall of the natural history  museumyou can find a full-sized of a dinosaur
  (A) replica
  (B) revival
  (C) remodel
  (D) revision
  意義辨識 名詞
  In the entrance hall of the natural history  museumyou can find a full-sized replica of a dinosaur。故(A)


No. 89

  The of our trip to  Southern Taiwan was A Taste of Tainan where we had a lot of delicious food
  (A) gourmet
  (B) highlight
  (C) monument
  (D) recognition
  意義辨識 名詞
  The highlight of our trip to Southern Taiwan was A Taste of  Tainan where we had a lot of delicious food。故(B)


No. 90

  Sara bought a beautiful dress in a in a fashionable district in Milan
  (A) boutique
  (B) brochure
  (C) bouquet
  (D) balcony
  意義辨識 名詞
  Sara bought a beautiful dress in a boutique in a fashionable district in Milan。故(A)


No. 91

  Bopiliao,▁ in Wanhua  DistrictTaipeiand serving as the  setting for the filmMongais a popular touristspot
  (A) selected
  (B) featured
  (C) located
  (D) directed
  意義辨識 動詞
  serving as the setting for the filmMonga,:提供作為電影艋舺的背景(場景)
  Bopiliaolocated in Wanhua DistrictTaipeiand serving as the  setting for the filmMongais a popular touristspot


No. 92

  Before we left the hotel, our tour guide gave  us a thirty-minute on the local culture
  (A) exhibition
  (B) presentation
  (C) construction
  (D) invitation
  意義辨識 名詞
  Before we left the hotel, our tour guide gave  us a thirty-minute presentation on the local culture。故(B)


No. 93

  Chichi is a town in Central Taiwan that is by rail
  (A) accessible
  (B) approached
  (C) available
  (D) advanced
  意義辨識 形容詞
  結論Chichi is a town in Central Taiwan that is accessible by rail。集集是中台灣小鎮,可藉(觀光)鐵路進入。故(A)


No. 94

  The man at the passport did not seem to like the photo in my passportbut in the end he let me through
  (A) station
  (B) custom
  (C) security
  (D) control
  意義辨識 名詞
  The man at the passport control did not seem to like the photo in my passportbut in the end he let me through。故(D)


No. 95

  Success does not happen by chance. It’s  achieved through hard work and ▁。
  (A) expiration
  (B) reception
  (C) preparation
  (D) irritation
  意義辨識 名詞
  Success does not happen by chance. It’s  achieved through hard work and preparation。故(C)


No. 96

  If you wantI  can it easier for you
  (A) weigh
  (B) act
  (C) be
  (D) make
  意義辨識 動詞
  結論If you wantI  can make it easier for you。如果你需要,我可以為你讓它更容易。故(D)


No. 97

  All resources are in the sense that there are not enough to  fill everyone’s wants to the point of satisfaction
  (A) scarce
  (B) absent
  (C) plentiful
  (D) fertile
  意義辨識 形容詞
  in the sense that:也就是說;換言之
  All resources are scarce in the  sense that there are not enough to fill everyone’s wants to the point of  satisfaction。故(A)


No. 98

  Thanks to India’s economic and the booming growth of its airline industrymore Indians are flying today than ever before
  (A) prosperity
  (B) souvenir
  (C) decline
  (D) evidence
  意義辨識 名詞
  thanks to:多虧;幸虧;由於
  booming growth:迅速增長
  Thanks to India’s economic prosperity and the booming growth of its airline industrymore Indians are flying today than ever before。故(A)


No. 99

  The tour guide is a manhe is very polite  and always speaks in a kind manner
  (A) careless
  (B) persistent
  (C) courteous
  (D) environmental
  意義辨識 形容詞
  The tour guide is a courteous manhe is very polite and always speaks in a kind  manner。故(C)


No. 100

  This restaurant features Northern Italian dishes that reflect the true  flavors of Italy
  (A) disposable
  (B) confident
  (C) authentic
  (D) dimensional
  意義辨識 形容詞
  Northern Italian dishes:北義大利菜餚
  This restaurant features authentic Northern Italian dishes that reflect the true flavors of  Italy。故(C)

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