danny 2008-12-4 15:07
暗黑破壞神2 打無限次古代人
1. open a game (easy to remember) stay for 5 mins ---> important
2. go to Arret Summit
3. 開啟封印, then attract them to aside, after that 跳出遊戲
4. 再加入原本的遊戲 (Step 1) , go to 遠古之路, and kill 3 barbarian (remmeber don't kill ALL)
5. 打到只剩一隻(anyone, does not matter)
6. open teleport (don't back to town), the 3 barbarian will go back to original place , then u can repeat 3, 4, 5
P.S. You must not complete the Quest 5 in Act 5, to do this, in order to get item from 3 barbarian!!!