manda 2011-3-9 10:15
You might be right about that. The witch doctor may be a bit slow, or at least it takes him a while to warm up in a fight. He has to do a bunch of things before the damage really starts flowing, but I think that's just a different style of play and approach. I could see it potentially being an issue though if he's just lagging behind in damage output. I haven't heard any recent comparisons but for a while he was edging out the wizard and barb for damage done.
I don't think he's boring or lagging behind the other classes in cool skills though. [url][/url] (Fansite reporting on skills, I haven't verified it's all 100% accurate but it looks pretty good at a glance)
But to each their own, I think the witch doctor has a lot of appeal but I think it's ok if not everyone is super excited about every class.
另外,在技能方面,我不認為巫醫會比其他角色遜色。[url][/url] (一個相關遊戲網站對於巫醫技能的介紹,我不能100%確定裏面的內容是否真實,但是看上去還真的不錯)